Supporting Access to Treatment

Reimbursement Reference Guide
Billing and coding support for informational purposes only
The following, including all CPT* and HCPCS codes, is provided for informational purposes only, is not intended to serve as reimbursement or legal advice, and represents no statement, promise, or guarantee by Therakos LLC that the codes are appropriate, or concerning levels of reimbursement, payment, or charge. This information is not intended to increase or maximize reimbursement by any payer. Reimbursement information is subject to change at any time and any such changes may not be reflected on this website. You should check with your specific payers to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information applicable to them, including specific information about coding, coverage and their reimbursement policies.
Third-party payment for medical products and services is affected by numerous factors. It is each provider’s responsibility to (i) determine the appropriate reimbursement strategies; (ii) submit appropriate codes, charges, and modifiers that such provider determines accurately describe the services rendered; and (iii) report those services consistent with specific payer requirements. In all cases, services billed must be medically necessary, actually performed as reported, and appropriately documented.
*CPT copyright 2022 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association (AMA).
Diagnosis and billing codes
THERAKOS® Photopheresis is covered by most public and private insurers.
For additional information, download the Reimbursement Reference Guide.